Chapter 3 - Und dann..

cass4395, originally uploaded by Rolf K. Wegst.

So my excuse for not posting anything for a while is that I forget. As a human being, I forget things and therefore forget to blog sometimes.

Now that I have remembered, and have some time to kill I suppose it's time for an update. Since the premiere of Cassandra, things have been quite easy for me I have to admit. I'm not in any other pieces, so I've only been performing Cassandra and only twice since the premiere. I'm now learning Ces't la Vie as a backup, but my chances to actually perform it are slim to none. I don't really mind because at least I get to do something and I'm not just sitting around.

I've had guests here for the past two weeks. Jess, who graduated from WAAPA the year after I did has come to Europe to see what she can find and she came to do class with us for a week. Also, Glynn made an appearance for two weeks and his mum and sister came to see him and watch me perform. It was a sweet little family reunion and I feel like I understand Glynn better now that I've met another part of his family.

I have also started creating a new work for the TanzArt festival in May, and I'm really enjoying it. This piece is an exploration of family life and all the characters that make a family what it is. It's really cool to be choreographing on professionals, which I have never done before. I'm going to keep working hard on it, and hopefully it will pay off.

In terms of my contract and staying for next season, things are a little up in the air. We've started rehearsing a new piece called Gustav Nachtigall, which will be taken into the next season. My director has kind of dropped hints that I will be in it, but has not made any promises and offers yet. It's so difficult to ask him what is happening, because he also needs to clarify things with the big boss. Two boys are leaving, so I don't see why he shouldn't hire me, and he gave me positive feedback the last time I spoke to him so I hope things will go the way they feel.

Other than that, I am enjoying my life here in Germany and also looking forward to my holiday to Italy in less than two weeks.

Photo: Magdalena as Cassandra in Cassandra, and me as a crazy dying person.


Glynn Moore said…
Yay you understand me more. tok your time mate. Glad my mum and sister gave a good impression. Good luck with your contract and i hope to see you again soon.
Glynn Moore said…
Oh and for the record I really miss you around here

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