Chapter 3 - A Week Goes By
I can't believe I've been here almost a week. I am slowly but surely settling in, and my body has gotten back into dancing mode again. I just wish it would get to skinny mode a little quicker. I'm really enjoying myself here, as I am a person who loves change and new environments. It's great to be in a place that I don't really know, not knowing many people outside work, strange language, snow (freaking schnee) and no real place to live.
I am in the process of looking for my own place, and I suppose that is my biggest project at the moment. It's a little harder than in Australia because of the language and the way things work here are a little different. Part of me wants to live in a house with other people. I think it's a great way to meet people, learn German and mingle with non-dancers. On the other hand, it would be nice to come home from work to my own space and some peace and quiet (without smokers). So I'll see how I go. I'm sure with some help from above something will be sent my way.
Company life so far is great. I'm glad to be finally working, and doing something every day, instead of moping around wishing some big company would take me. I get along well with everyone, and I don't feel like an outsider, strangely enough. My workmates are: Eoin (Irish, pronounced Owen), Victor (Mexican), Meindert (Dutch), Svende (German), Morgane (Belgian), Magdalena (Bulgarian) and Antonia (German). Luckily there are two Germans at work who can help me with my German, but as you can see there are people from everywhere. I'm the only Malaysian/Australian :) .
My German is improving, also slowly but surely. I ordered something at the supermarket today in German, and I pretty much got the gist of what the lady behind the counter was saying. I'm hoping that in a few months I will be able to hold a short conversation with someone. At the moment ich bin sehr langzham (I am very slow) when I speak but I guess with time and practice I will be able to get it together. I'm enjoying the learning experience so far.
If you want to see pictures of the company, here's a link to a photographer that I found on flickr. He's got some wicked shots here.
Also, check out my photos :
Picture: On my way to work.